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I’m hoping to be able to add daily stage reports during the event, as we have access to an email tent at camp. Just check Recent Posts to see anything new.

DO NOT BE ALARMED if you don’t see any reports. More than likely I was unable to get access to the email tent. Lining up for hours in the Sahara sun may not be the best way to recover after the days run… Or there may some technical issues with sending the email to this post.

IF I am able to make the posts, I’m warning you now to please ignore the spelling/ grammar/ and probably somewhat incoherent ramblings. We have a limit of 1 email per day and 10 minutes at the keyboard. My writing skills are poor at the best of times so adding the exhaustion, dehydration, European keyboards, time limit pressure, no spell check, and a general OMG feeling, it may not be my best work. Hopefully you will get the idea.

Categories: MDS, race report

10 Responses so far.

  1. Kim Kirk says:

    Scott, this is amazing. You are amazing. Wow, I was going to contact you today to say “How inspiring you are” “All the best”…., but this throws it over the top. Now I will say “You are SO VERY inspiring (a little crazy) but inspiring none-the-less. And all the best. You will do great. I will think of you and pray for you each day [while I eat chocolate cake 😉 ]. I will be there in strong spirit. If you need me to pace you on the last little leg… Call me. I’ll be your wing-walker.” Love and a hug, Kim.

  2. Bruno Foti says:

    Hey Scott,

    Catherine & the boys & I were just watching a video about your race. Israel & Avery think your a super hero!
    We wish you extra super powers & that your ipod doesnt quit on you.
    We are cheering you on. GO SCOTT GO!!!

    Hope to hear from you soon

  3. Linda Hannigan says:

    Friend of Mo’s here.
    Praying for you every day for strength endurance and safety.
    You are sooo amazing!

  4. Renie says:

    Hi Scott, Just wishing super running powers and loads of stamina on your runs. Take care and my best wishes for a safe and happy run are beiung sent to you. God’s speed, Renie

  5. Ben says:

    Hey Scott, we are following you from here.

    What an experience!

    Keep going


  6. mac mcdell says:

    Yo. the boys and I are wondering how the race is treating you. You are not missing much here. Give us an update. Stop being so lazy. You are only running for about 4 hours a day.

  7. lana says:

    just dropped mo at the airport on his way to you!

    am in absolute AWE of you, my friend. what an amazing accomplishment and life-changing experience.

    all the best for the etape 5 and 6. will be thinking of you all the way!!!!


  8. Sherri MacEachern says:

    Hello Cuz,

    I totally agree with everything Kim has said to you. When Mom told what you were up to I just shock my head with AWE! The thing about it is that if I were to really think about it, you are the one person in the world that would do it great with flair and finesse. You really are amazing and inspiring to all. You are mine inspiration and always have been. I am there with you in spirit if not physically. Remember that my special friend.


    Love you


  9. Bernice and Brian says:

    Hi Scott,
    We’re on the sidelines here in Canada (Vancouver and Toronto) cheering for you! We know you will succeed because of your athletic ability and your determination. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Much love, Bernice and Brian

  10. Glenn Wakefield says:

    Enjoyed reading thru your webpage Scott. Good job. And great job on the race. You trained harder than anyone else in the tent and it showed with a stellar performance. We were all proud to have one of the top runners in our midst.

    Take care amigo!